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What is Supported Housing?

Supported Housing offers high quality

and affordable living space for

vulnerable people who need it most.

There is a chronic shortage of temporary housing across the UK. Accommodation within the sector is often sub-standard and uneconomical with no regulations on internal space standards or quality. According to the Local Government Association, the 2019/20 spend on B&B accommodation in England has increased by over 20% per annum since 2010/11, reflecting increased demand met by unsuitable temporary and emergency housing supply.

The government introduced the Homelessness Reduction Act in the UK in 2018, in response to an increasing national homelessness problem.

We’re committed
to change

First Alliance Housing partners with social housing organisations to deliver housing for people who would otherwise be homeless. FAH delivers high quality homes alongside specialist supported housing charities who provide wrap around support services to vulnerable residents.

The main objective is to not only provide housing; but to rehabilitate and empower residents with a tailored support programme to ensure they can be reintegrated back into society to live independent, fulfilling lives.


To date, we have acquired and
delivered 1000 homes within
the Supported Housing sector.

Local authorities primarily utilise hostels and B&Bs as a solution to house homeless and vulnerable people. Not only is this highly inefficient and expensive; there is no element of support or care provided. Vulnerable people require the correct support frameworks to improve their living situations.

Other social housing sub-sectors

Specialist Supported Housing

Specialist Supported Housing provides homes for people with a wide range of needs including; learning disabilities, autism, complex needs, mental health and homelessness.

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Affordable Housing

Affordable Housing is typically delivered through s106 agreements, whereby new housing developments must comprise of at least 30% ‘affordable’ tenures. FAH is able to acquire and operate any affordable housing element of a new build development scheme in partnership with their sister company, Myshon.

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