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What is Affordable Housing?

Affordable Housing provides low

cost homes for individuals and

families across the UK.

The government defines affordable housing as “social rented, affordable rented and intermediate housing provided to specified eligible households whose needs are not met by the market. Affordable Housing is typically delivered through s106 agreements, whereby new housing developments must comprise at least 30% ‘affordable’ tenures.

According to one estimate commissioned by the National Housing Federation (NHF) and Crisis from Heriot-Watt University, around 340,000 new homes need to be supplied in England each year, of which 145,000 should be affordable. In 2021 only 216,000 new homes were supplied showing the current shortfall of new homes being provided.

That’s where
we come in

First Alliance Housing has established close working relationships with Housing Associations and Registered Providers operating specifically in the affordable housing sector. FAH is able to acquire and operate affordable housing schemes in partnership with their sister company, Myshon.

FAH can provide a guarantee and risk-free exit for a developer on their s106 liability, ensuring that they can focus on the main element of their new build development.


Other social housing sub-sectors

Supported Housing

First Alliance Housing partners with social housing organisations to deliver housing for people who would otherwise be homeless. We deliver high quality homes alongside specialist housing charities who provide wrap around support services to vulnerable residents.

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Specialist Supported Housing

Specialist Supported Housing provides homes for people with a wide range of needs including; learning disabilities, autism, complex needs, mental health and homelessness.

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