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What is Specialist Supported Housing?

Specialist Supported Housing
provides homes for a wide
range of people in need.

Our homes provide a tailored space for people with varying degrees of low level to complex needs. First Alliance Housing has delivered specialist homes to cater for people with autism, a range of learning disabilities, mental health related needs, vulnerable young people and people who have experienced homelessness.

FAH is able to deliver Specialist Supported Housing by collaborating with the relevant stakeholders including; local authorities, care providers, commissioners and registered social landlords.

We care about
your needs

Homes delivered by First Alliance Housing will often have specialist adaptations in order to suit the needs of individuals living within the properties. Adaptations can typically range from the inclusion of; lifts, stairlifts, wet rooms, disabled access, wider corridors and intercom systems.


Other social housing sub-sectors

Supported Housing

First Alliance Housing partners with social housing organisations to deliver housing for people who would otherwise be homeless. We deliver high quality homes alongside specialist housing charities who provide wrap around support services to vulnerable residents.

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Affordable Housing

Affordable Housing is typically delivered through s106 agreements, whereby new housing developments must comprise of at least 30% ‘affordable’ tenures. FAH is able to acquire and operate any affordable housing element of a new build development scheme in partnership with their sister company, Myshon.

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